Well .. its true back in 1902, Sir H Rider Haggard visited Bluntisham as part of his government sponsored survey of agriculture in the UK. His successful novel, King Solomon’s Mines had been published in 1885 and he followed this up with She: A History of Adventure in 1887. As well as a career as a successful novelist, he was involved in land reform. Throughout what was then the British Empire. So it makes sense that he undertook his survey of the state of English agriculture in 1902.c. and that he found himself here in Bluntisham.
His visit was uncovered by Elaine Gebbie during one of her many trips to the archives. Her article on his visit to Bluntisham can be found here https://www.bhp-pc.org.uk/agriculture/ and it provides an interesting insight into how Bluntisham functioned over a 100 years ago. Well worth a read, especially for those with family who were in the village in 1902.