1984 Bluntisham Street Market

Way back in August 1984, there was a street market on the High Street. Long before you needed to give 6 months notice of a street closure and seek permission from the powers that be. There were Morris dancers, a Traction engine and loads of people out enjoying what looks like very warm weather and a few beers in The White Swan.

In the Village Life section there are 10 photos of the day, all kindly provided by Jackie Saltmarsh. Well worth a look to see if you recognise anyone or if you were there yourself .. its worth it for the fashion alone. Please follow this link: https://www.bhp-pc.org.uk/memories/

Photo provided by Jackie Saltmarsh

New images

Check out new photos provided by Helen Starling showing some old images of the playground. For those who don’t remember where the playground used to be it was located where the outdoor gym is now. The football pitch was on the cricket pitch, they shared facilities from the early 1970’s. See the photo provided by John Wadsworth of the football team who were the first to play in the new location (previously football was played on a pitch in Wood End)

Bluntisham also had its own tennis courts, these were also located in Mill Lane and were on the right hand side, houses now replace the old courts. Helen has also provided some pictures of Presses Close.

So what are you waiting for…..get searching.

New Photo’s Added

With thanks to Nora Crick, we have added some new photos today. This one is of the St Helen’s Dinner Ladies, back in the 70s. On the back row are Mary White, Nora Crick, Marilyn Clements. On the front row are Anne Ward, Joy James and Joyce Dighton. Nora also shared with us a great photo of a snowy back garden in Presses Close, with nothing but orchards backing on to the garden where today you would find The Poplars. To see more please look in the following galleries – Presses Close, the Baptist Chapel, Parish Church, Short Lane and Colne Road. Thank you again Nora for sharing more photos with the Heritage Project.

Proper Old School

July Newsletter

Welcome to the July 2020 Newsletter and hopefully as you read this more restrictions on daily life have been lifted. The three month lockdown has been a unique moment in the history of the village and one that we have tried to record in the Covid section of the website. Thank you to everyone who sent in their photos to be included on the page.

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Bluntisham School 1957

Today we have added three new photos, all provided by Bev White, who appears in these photos. There is a list of the school prize winners for the year, along with one class photo and one of the entire school. There are some very familiar names in the photos, and there are some gaps, so if anyone can help with any of the missing names, then please get in touch. These photos can be found in the School 1950’s onwards gallery. Thank you Bev for letting us share these images.

We have also added in the last week a section of local archeology that contains some very interesting details about the area surrounding Bluntisham. Thanks to Peter Lusmore for adding all of the details.

As we continue with lockdown we are keen to include photos and articles about how you have faired during the lockdown in our Covid section on the website.


Easter 2020 update

COVID-19 who could have imagined that we would all be confined to our homes for the foreseeable future. Bluntisham has become very quiet. The pub’s closed, the school is closed and the playpark is padlocked and out of bounds.

To give you all something to do over the bank holiday weekend we have put together a Bluntisham general knowledge quiz. The answers will be published on Tuesday 14th April. No prize just a bit of fun!

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Tom Youd’s Tour 2002

Tom Youd

In 2002, Tom Youd took a series of photographs of the village. Unfortunately Tom passed away in 2019, but his relatives have shared with us more of his photos. This series of photos in the memories section of the website, give an interesting look at some of the landmarks of the village 18 years ago, most of them are still here, but some have changed radically, have a look through the 20 or so photos and see the way the village looked then.

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