I don’t know when there was last skating on Bury Fen, I think that it was probably in about 2009 or 2010. The village was inundated with people from far and wide, all heading towards Bury Fen for a skate. Maybe with this current cold weather the fen will freeze and once again we may have some skating.
However, back in the late 1800’s Bluntisham was the centre for the game of Bandy and the home of the Bury Fen Bandy Club. A team lead by the Tebbutt family and who were involved in establishing the rules of the sport. A sport still played today around the world, and one that is officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee.
It’s quite a story and the Tebbutt family are famous across many nations for their development of the sport and how it lead to rink bandy and ultimately Ice Hockey. The story of the Tebbutt family, how they came to Bluntisham and how the sport developed can be found here – https://www.bhp-pc.org.uk/skating/